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Car Wash Perth WA

Car Wash Perth WA...or! Save yourself some time and let us come to you! Every Car Wash Perth won't detail the interior nor will it give the outside the attention it needs! In fact a number of Car Wash places in Perth end up scratching the paint of your car with their brushes creating large swirls on the paintwork... Refresh Valet uses the most gentle process available to clean your car and bring it back to its former glory. Panel beaters will tell you that Car Washes in Perth WA also rip off side mirrors and roof antennas making it a very costly exercise visiting those Perth Car Wash locations!

Discover the difference today with a mobile hand detail in Perth WA by Refresh Valet.

Call 1300 593 098

Photo: Ex Car Wash Perth WA VW Touareg now looked after by Refresh Valet's Mobile Car detailing team - see it on Instagram -

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